SEO Video

Success In SEO Partnerships Part 1 - How to choose a good partner website

The video below shows how “Google PageRank” is used by all search engine specialists in evaluating the quality of a website. It is just one of a great many techniques.

Most of our clients are uninterested in how AGT does search engine marketing because they only look at the results; namely high rankings and high traffic. We are delighted with this attitude because it allows us to spend more time marketing your brand. Each month we then provide you with a SEO ranking report and SEO traffic report. Anyway, a few of you have asked for an example of what we do in our daily work and we are delighted to show you.

This video is very basic and there are over 100 videos required to cover our specialist techniques. Nevertheless, we hope this gives you a little insight into the world of SEO.

Think SEO, Think AGT